McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act
La Academia Partnership Charter School understands the importance of having a place you can call home.
Sometimes families find themselves in circumstances beyond their control that can result in homelessness. La Academia Partnership Charter School (LAPCS) provides support through their Homeless Liaison for families in transition- those families who may be experiencing homelessness for the first time or those who have been homeless for an extended period of time.
The Homeless Liaison is available to you to ensure that your children receive a quality education, receive the same opportunities for stable educational experiences, assist where possible with tangible needs, transportation and other identified needs while your children are enrolled at LAPCS.
If you are at risk or are currently experiencing homelessness, please contact Hannah Martin, our School Social Worker/Homeless Liaison at (717)295-7763 ext. 407 or send an email to
Children and youth are eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Act if they have been displaced from their homes and are living in a place that is not fixed, regular, or adequate, such as:
Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason
In a place not designated as regular sleeping accommodation, such as a vehicle, park, hotel, or campground
In a homeless or domestic violence shelter or transitional housing placement
Outside of his/her home as an unaccompanied youth
Awaiting foster care
In any of the situations listed above as the child of a migrant family
Additional Resources:
Department of Ed BEC for Homeless Youth: